Sunday, October 10, 2010

Death of loved ones

I lost a friend last night. We weren't the type of friends that spoke every day on the phone. . . or every week, but when we were together, we enjoyed each other's company. And, even though she answered a question about me on FB that she didn't think I was cute, I forgive her! :-P

I have such a hard time with death. I don't know why. It should be a happy thing, knowing that they are going back to live with our Heavenly Father.

I lost a good friend 2 months ago as well. He lived a dangerous life, diving. For all the risks he took. . . it was an idiot of a woman who was running from the cops and t-boned his car. . . killed him instantly and seriously hurt his passenger. And, yet, this idiot woman, who tried to sell her baby, lives. How is that fair? I just don't understand.

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