Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Day!

It was such a beautiful day today. . . I had to get out and weed. My Aloe plant was growing out of its pot, so I finally put it in the ground. I dug up some plants I never liked and finally planted some pretty white flowers I've had sitting on the porch forever, hoping hubby would get the hint to do something with them. I don't know if I will ever get it through my head that "hints" don't work; never have, never will.

My allergy eyes have been giving me issues. Never really have before. . . MUST TAKE ZYRTEC EVERY DAY!

The kids and I enjoyed our first spinach smoothie today. Orange juice, banana, couple handfuls of organic spinach, hemp seeds, and ice. YUMMY!

I'm looking forward to seeing friends tomorrow at Fox Lake. I love that all my friends' kids get along GREAT.

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